Purchase now to receive both Total War: WARHAMMER & Total War: WARHAMMER II!Dive into the first two instalments of the most epic fantasy-strategy trilogy ever made! Encompassing Warhammers Old World and New World, this double pack will combine with WARHAMMER III to grant access to Immortal Empires: the entire WARHAMMER world in one incredible sandbox!Total War: WarhammerTotal War: Warhammer is Creative Assemblys first fantasy-themed entry into the Total War series. Based on the Warhammer Fantasy license, it merges the best parts of both franchises. Total War brings the strategic depth and political machinations, as well as a next-gen visual representation of classic units. Warhammer Fantasy refreshes the historical fiction formula with units never before seen in a Total War game. Giants, griffons, and gargantuan spiders change the nature of warfare.Total War: WARHAMMER IITotal War: WARHAMMER II is a strategy game of titanic proportions. Choose from four unique, varied factions and wage war your way – mounting a campaign of conquest to save or destroy a vast and vivid fantasy world.This is a game of two halves – one a turn-based open-world campaign, and the other intense, tactical real-time battles across the fantastical landscapes of the New World.
Total War Warhammer I & II (Digital) Steam
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